Press Release

[皮革商情] 厚街重启•继往开来——2025大湾区制衣制鞋、华南国际缝制设备展 新闻发布会在东莞厚街隆重举行!
[新快报] 2025大湾区国际智能纺织制衣工业设备展将在东莞厚街举行
[广州皮具] 2025大湾区制衣制鞋、华南国际缝制设备展将在东莞厚街重启 我会应邀出席新闻发布会
[制衣制鞋技术快讯] 厚街重启•继往开来——2025大湾区制衣制鞋、华南国际缝制设备展 新闻发布会在东莞厚街隆重举行!
Featuring State-of-the-art Clothing & Footwear Machineries – DTC/DFM 2018 to be Unveiled on March 27.
State-of-the-art Clothing & Footwear Machineries Showcase in Dongguan Two Exhibitions to be Unveiled in Early April
DFM2013 Show Report
Latest Technology for textile, clothing and footwear gathers at Dongguan in March 2011
Gathering professionals officiating the Opening Ceremony of “The 11th China (Dongguan) Int’l Textile & Clothing Industry Fair and The 5th South China Int’l Sewing Machinery & Accessories Show” & “The 11th China (Dongguan) Int’l Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair”
An Outstanding Footwear Show in South China – The 10th China (Dongguan) International Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair
The Annual Special “Hong Kong Footwear Design Pavilion” Displays Excellent Design Power in Hong Kong
DFM – World of Footwear Machinery & Materials Show in South China
Circular: Caution on Third Party Promotional Offers
Press Release: The Annual Special “Hong Kong Footwear Design Pavilion” Displays Excellent Design Power in Hong Kong
Press Release: The Important Dongguan Fair Scheduled in March 2008